Our academy includes partnership with the business community and the students are enrolled in the ACE Mentoring Program and Grid Alternatives Internship Program. The commitment in our program is important because we build a tailored master schedule for each individual student to make sure we have a pure academy. The students get UC a-g math elective credit and 5 units of community college credit while in the academy. Our school also has an internship program for juniors during the summer. They are also the 2014-2015 champions of the SkillsUSA Electronics competition.
Organization: River City High SchoolPrincipal Contact: Sedikeh Yusufi, syusufi@wusd.k12.ca.us, 916.375.7800
Training Focus Areas: Engineering and Design
State: California
Target Education Levels: K-12
Training Types: Education
State: California
Target Education Levels: K-12
Training Types: Education