Third Contact: Paige P. Wolf
Secondary Address: George Mason University School of Management, Enterprise Hall, Room 225 MSN 5F5 Fairfax, VA 22030
Outlines the following 12 Best Practices for Contracting: Clearly define contract expectations; use a contracting approach that supports a partnership with the contractor; define and follow fair bidding and award practices; provide contractor orientation, develop integrated project teams to enhance productivity and adaptability; clearly define staff and contractor expectations; motivate and reward contractors; regularly monitor progress and provide feedback; establish clear team communication processes; enhance performance through knowledge management practices; and use after action reports to apply lessons to other projects.
Funding Source: IBM Center for the Business of Government
Location: IBM Center for the Business of Government
Principal Contact: Sandra Fisher,,,, (315) 268-6430, (315) 268-7719, (703) 993-1758