General goals
With a signed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) by both parties, the National Network for the Transportation Workforce (NNTW) and MHI are in a collaborating partnership where each party agrees to advance common interests and initiatives to promote an increasingly skilled and resilient workforce to sufficient numbers, and to meet the needs of the transportation distribution and logistics sector in the coming decades.
Status: Ongoing
Anticipated Partnership Duration: September 2015 – Center lifetime
Timeline and Overview
SWTWC Team Member Fran Beauman began conducting outreach with MHI in September 2015. MHI is the largest national material handling, logistics and supply chain association, and has a long history of initiating and investing in partnerships to further increase its impact in warehousing, distribution, and logistics.
Since MHI has identified working with educators as a priority, and has a dedicated staff focused on this effort, there are many opportunities for the national organization to work with all five regional workforce centers. Therefore, the MOU is written and signed between MHI and the NNTW.
Key Deliverables
- Signed MOU between MHI and the NNTW
Anticipated Outcomes
Since the NNTW and MHI are committed to supporting breakthrough ideas, innovative education and training programs, and sustained collaborations and partnerships to build career awareness in youth or current workers, develop and expand programs to enter the field of transportation, and promote and grow professional development opportunities.
The purpose of this collaborative partnership is to develop a long-term skilled workforce through the following collaborative efforts:
- Identifying critical needs and developing strategies to meet the needs
- Providing regional and national trends, indicators, and forecasts
- Promoting successes – regional organizational, individual
- Tracking industry growth and change patterns
- Demonstrating benefits of Career Ladder Programs, Partnerships, and innovative approaches
- Working to attract an existing and future workforce; including youth, veterans, women, underserved populations to career opportunities
- Supporting educators across the continuum to introduce and advance competencies that will fill current and future workforce needs in the industry
Contribution Analysis
- SWTWC conducted outreach with MHI for months.
- SWTWC coordinated meetings until the MOU was signed by the NNTW regional center directors and MHI.
Materials Handling Institute (signed Memorandum of understanding, October 11, 2016) with the National Network for the Transportation Workforce.